Just some suggestions, from the mom of a 7-yr old and 2 6-yr olds (who, by the way, can be veritable germ factories or distributors on any given day)...

1) Cleanliness & germ killing:
Clorox wipes are about the best thing since water, I think. Keep them in the house and the car. Wipe down handles, seats, door knobs, etc, as you exit the car. In the house wipe down faucets, toilet flush handles, toilet seat, door knobs, tv controls, etc. twice a day at a minimum. Use the bleach toilet drop-ins to kill germs in the potty. Use anti-bacterial soap and wash often. Line trash cans with plastic grocery bags and remove them daily. Use antiseptic mouth wash such as Listerine to kill germs on contact in your mouth. Clean toothbrushes in the dishwasher daily. Lysol or other disinfectant spray can kill germs on fabric or other surfaces and freshen up a room where the air is stale or germ-laden. Do not share eating utensils or drinking cups. Make 'high fives' the most loving expression for the duration of the illness and avoid kisses [Linked Image] until everyone's healthy again. Latex gloves are not a bad idea for any healthy person who is assisting with the care and clean up of those who are ill.

2) Restoration of your health:
Add an hour or two of sleep unless you're already down for the count. Add a quart of water to your intake for each 8-hour period you're awake. If you're losing your stomach contents, you're also losing electrolytes (which keep your heart rhythm in the right sync so it's IMPORTANT), you need to add liquid Jello or pedialyte (which smells good but the taste is soooo lacking & doesn't match the aroma so it often doesn't appeal to kids). This is the home version of intake of similar elements that you get at the hospital and they use a saline solution for an IV. Ask your doctor if using yogurt or other forms of cultured or natural lactobacillus might be useful to restore the 'good' bacteria in your digestive system.

When everyone is well, it's unnecessary to use anti-bacterial soap and in fact, over-using it can kill the 'good' bacteria that maintains the healthy balance our systems require.