
Kudos on your work & safety ethics buddy. No one said this was an easy job. I am always perplexed as to where this mind set comes from where people expect to be injured or expect accidents and think it's an uncontrollable event.
I frequently ask such sceptics in my class some questions like:
How many automobile accidents do you expect to have this year, your spouse?
Do you tell your children that they will certainly get hit by an automobile at least once during the year while on the way to school or at play ?
People manage their household, they manage their family (children), they manage their finances and living expenses and a whole lot more. They can and in fact do manage safety in the households when it comes to family members but they suggest that safety is unmanageable at the worksite....what bull*&%#. I get really sick and tired at times for having to pick up all those dead bodies. Who said this job wasn't an easy one. Keep the faith my friend we will make a difference and perhaps as a result, at least one more of our brothers or sisters will return home at the end of the workday safe and sound to their loved ones.

OSHA Professor - Grizzy