Mike... it is great (well not really [Linked Image]) to hear that you actually substantiated a basic premise about these things... they are unpredictable at best.

Is that report you referenced in your original post available on-line? Although I'm in the US, I've been very interested in the "multi-box" issue. They really "burn" me up! [Linked Image]

I suppose you've seen the similar thread that's been running in the "violation photo" forum. https://www.electrical-contractor.net/ubb/Forum4/HTML/000183.html

One of the points that I made in that thread about these devices in the US is that although not inherently unsafe... they are just too prone to abuse. It seems that there is universal disdain for these around the world. [Linked Image]

But... C-H wrote:
you'll probably be shocked to hear that we have these things with 16A sockets/plugs and 1.0 mm2 cord
That may change my mind about some of these devices being inherently unsafe. [Linked Image]

Mike... You didn't happen to take of photo of the device that "exploded"...did you? Now that would make for a great training illustration when I'm doing general electrical safety training for unqualified people. [Linked Image]