I was under the impression that 16a industrial sockets [Bs En 60309 ] could only be wired on a radial circuits we use them all over our site which is a large engineering workshop for all sort of applications such as drills ,heat guns , ,conduit threaders,hoovers etc they are usually a permanent fixture coloured yellow for 110v [manufactured by cee-form or mennekes] The low voltage is for the users safety and as they are not fused they rely on the trip back at the board usually a 20amcb which i think is equivalent to a 13a fused plug it can also incorporate a rcd device to trip at 30ma for extra safety The drawback is when a number of devices are plugged in it is easily overloaded and you have to feed some of them from a different any area but we are told this is how its designed for safety.If They were on a Ring main somebody could easily put in a 32a breaker thinking it was like a domestic ring main maybe causing problems if a fault occured and the breaker to high to trip