Since I have not able to do a decent days work lately, I have taken to teaching a small class of TOPS students.
These people had to pass a Basic Electrical Certificate, to pass the course.
Most of these people would not get employed in any Industry, let alone the Electrical one.
Most of them were 25-30 and still had never been employed.
But there was a young girl that had just came out of school and while the others struggled with the wires, she was asking me questions about the conductivity of a given size of copper wire.
But, one question that she did ask me that struck me around the face like a wet fish, was this:
Why are Brass terminals still used with Copper wires, considering the Galvanic reaction between the two?.
Now, before you call me a crack-pot, consider this.
In a flushbox in a wall, there is always a chance of moisture getting into the box.
I'd like to argue this one!. [Linked Image]