Normally in commercial buildings here you install CEE-17 IP rated socket outlets in the eves of the building and also perhaps at various points where xmas trees may go.

On the streets you'll see blue CEE-17 sockets up high on buildings or even suspended on tightly pulled wires (non-electrical) that cross over the street to hold up xmas decorations. So when it comes to installing the xmas lights guys just hook them onto these wires and plug them in.

It's easier as the wiring only has to be done once.

Also strangely enough our PoCo, ESB installs most of the city's street xmas lights. Their linesmen and lineswomen were up in "cherry pickers" decorating various xmas trees around the city! Might explain why things are done so tightly to code.

[This message has been edited by djk (edited 12-12-2003).]