Ah! Transvaal/Natal Christmas nights - I remember them well!

Better than this
[Linked Image from frontiernet.net] [Linked Image] -3.6C

Been there since Christmas day and keeps shifting around.

43C is a bit too much though - what's the humidity like? Messina on the Zimbabwe border at 45C was fine as it was so dry.

Had 53C on my dial in the bottom of Telfer Gold Mine Pit, Western Australia - that felt hot and you had to keep blinking or your eyes dried out!

It's too hot to even think straight! [Linked Image]

Light [Linked Image] experimentation has shown that ice cold beer works very well in these circumstances [Linked Image]

[Edited 'cos I still can't spell!]

[This message has been edited by Hutch (edited 01-02-2004).]