As part of our Homeowner and Consumer safety area(s) here at ECN a Photo/Information area has been planned for a while now. It will show some common hazards and violations that a Homeowner is likely to encounter and should therefore recognize. The intent here would be to educate the consumer somewhat as to when, or if, attention to the Electrical System is necessary.

I am often surprised at what is overlooked or simply not 'seen' by the consumer until something happens. I believe that pictures of common situations and 'plain english' descriptions of possible hazards involved may help more people realize when something must be done and why it must be done right. It might also help if they could spot when they are getting, or have had a sub-standard installation. My feelings are that this area could help some to recognize the importance of learning how to do it correctly themselves, or to learn the value in hiring an Experienced/Qualified person and give them some benchmarks by which they can better judge these things.

Some of the pictures we have in the Forum here are great for this project and will be used, but many more could be found I'm sure.

Any suggestions? What are the most common violations/hazards that you see in Homes? How about 'plain english' explanations or advice? Any good pictures would be appreciated!

