C-H i think the lamps you are on about would be High Pressure Metal Halide,

as to lighting in England, it really depends on were you are,

In my town (Southampton)we have a varity of fittings and lamps.

Motorways, (were lit) are high pressure sodium usually 4 x 400watt each arm.

class 1 roads;
high pressure sodium, from 150, 250w and 400w
single lantern at heights of 4m to 10m

class b roads;
35watt low pressure sodium (a horid light but excelant lamp life)

But in the city they are slowly being changed to 100watt Metal Halide and 400 watt in the main city streets, (as the city now has CCTV it helps to see the local idiots on a weekend after the bars shut)

but we still survuve on 35, 55, 90 and 135 watt low pressure sodium lighting on most streets, and out in the wilderness of the new forest etc.

me personally,? change em all to Metal Halide, good clour rendering and an all round good light, and you can get colours for them as well.

Bye for now, John H