Many thanks. This is becoming interesting. One electritian told me that he could ground all three showers I have in the house. Hed also told me that I could connect them in 220 volts if I wanted and not in the 127 volts I have them now (apparently the electric wiring in the house will permit this). The way he wanted to ground each chower was to put three rods on the ground close to where the showers are and run the ground wire from each shower there. I will ask about running them to the entrance frame which is more distant. I will now look at how the wires are rated in Brazil and the distances. Yes they have 8000 watts or more, the smaller plastic ones have less and I can connect them in 127 or 220 (for some reason the electric here is 127, not 110 oe 120 - don't ask me why). Many thanks!!!
Any thoughts or suggestions will be very welcome!
