Thnx for the Email.

>I don't recall exploding transformers >where I lived in Cornwall, but we had >fairly frequent outages during the winter.

We suffer badly from winter outages still - millions of Starlings roosting on lines at Marazion, goes on from 4:30 till about 6:00...the sky literally turns black when they arrive - an amazing sight.

>If I remember correctly, we took power >from a major sub-station at, I believe, >Indian Queens (that always struck me as >being a very non-British-sounding place >name!).

The story goes that Indian Queens is reputedly named after Pocahontas, the American Indian princess, who visited England in 1616 with her husband, John Rolfe, a colonist. She died here a year later at just 23 years of age.

>I don't know if any more distribution has >been put underground since then and >improved the situation somewhat -- I left >in 1986.

Mostly overhead - the only underground work here has been the laying of vast amounts of communications cable which I'd bet ends up at Goonhilly or possibly at all the American comms places down here.

Got your Milwaukee drill yet - if not CPC have just got them in their catalogue
or 08701 20 25 30
they are a subsidiary of Farnell (similar range) but cheaper and also sell spares for white/brown goods.
