Ok, we have a Weeeeenahhh (winner):

The offending spy bots of which have corrupted Sparky's viewed messages here, have inbedded themselves (or more like "Its Self"), into the none-sense message I posted.

They took the bait [Linked Image]

If Nettiquette permits (and legal-eze allows), can list deez domains for all to see - and comment on.

Plan to follow up a little bit, then send E-mail tirades to the MajorDomo of those sites, to complain about possible spy ware used by clients they host.

It looks too planned, as the sites are common.
Only thing to consider is this appears to be tweeked thru Sparky's MS Office application - most likely via Outlook (??? forgot to ask).

Suggestions are accepted. No plans to slander the offenders until 100% ready to do so [Linked Image]


Scott " 35 " Thompson
Just Say NO To Green Eggs And Ham!