<homer simpson> DOHHH!!! </homer simpson>

Sorry, Trumpy... forgot to explain what the heck a "Warm", or even a "Cold" reboot is!
[Linked Image]

Paul has described it already (thanks, Paul!!! [Linked Image] )

A little expansion to the reboot thingee:

"Warm" reboot:

[*]To restart the computer via the "normal" method of using the shut down command - such as shut down / restart,

[*]To restart using the "Three-Fingered Salute" - known by "Ctrl + Alt + Delete",

[*]To restart by depressing the "reset" button - if available.

"Cold" reboot:

[*]To turn off the power - either by turning off the power switch, pulling the plug, turn off the circuit breaker for that branch circuit, or chopping down the pole with the Transformer which feeds your neighborhood, then eventually restarting the machine after a minimum 30 second wait time period.

For the Warm reboots (AKA Soft reboot), the first one is generally used under all circumstances - and restarts everything from "scratch".
The second one is used when things kind of go haywire, and an application misbehaves [Linked Image]. Sometimes it works, most of the time it doesn't! If it works, it does a "quick exit" which does not close any running applications - it just, for lack of a better way to say it, dumps the operating system from memory.
The third one is commonly used when things go haywire and a three-fingered salute does nothing (pretty much always [Linked Image]).
It resets the processor by "faking" a signal to the CPU from the power supply, describing the state of output power (it makes the CPU think the power supply is not sending out a "power OK" signal). This results in the CPU locking into a reset state, which clears everything from RAM and puts the machine back at the POST.

Needless to say, the 2nd and 3rd options are only for critical situations, not for normal shut downs or reboots.

For the "Cold" reboots (AKA Hard reboot), these are done when no reset button is available.
Also, when doing a normal shut down (shut off machine, not reboot), this is a "Cold" restart - since the machine gets turned off for a period of time.
p.s. Only the first option of "Cold" rebooting is common - rest of options are just thrown in to be funny!...

Man, could talk (type) for hours about the interesting ways a computer operates + brings its self to life by "Picking its self up by its Bootstraps"!!!


Scott " 35 " Thompson
Just Say NO To Green Eggs And Ham!