
Sorry I haven't responded to the last post - I've been so swamped with stuff to do, I haven't been in the forums since last Wednesday or something!!
Got to run through the forums today, and man are things really happening!!!

Anyhow, I printed the thread and will throw some numbers your way ASAP. Not sure when I will be back in the forums, because this upcoming week's workload is mind-numbing!!

I do want to mention that you have obvious tech skills in advanced theory [unless you are just pulling things out of books at random [Linked Image] ...just a joke] from what I have seen here and in the Holt forum.
Have you wound your own coils [Inductors] before??
That's where I learned most of this thread's topic from - reading many-many-MANY books on the subject.

I am impressed by the many people in this forum that have such a great knowledge of the advanced areas of theory!!! You guys know who you are!! Chime in and let the people that just browse here see your names!!
If not, I will do it - and you know that will include a bunch of jokes and 100x the text needed, so it's going to be your fault!! [Linked Image]

BTW: The coil with the DC thingee is a crude example of a Magnetic Amplifier [AKA Saturable Reactor].
It's been discussed in threads before, mostly in the Holt forum between Bennie Palmer and Myself.
That was one of the first "Solid State" types of motor control, termed "Static Control Systems".
They're interresting in operation, but Jurasic in technology! [plus wasteful].

Scott SET

Scott " 35 " Thompson
Just Say NO To Green Eggs And Ham!