This kind of gives a new meaning to the term "LOTO", as displayed in the first image:

[Linked Image]

When I was involved with Retail Bank Branches (even loan centers and corporate campuses), the above noted "Crap Clusters" were commonplace for any Electrical Room.


Once I got to the electric room and pulled enough stuff out from the door that I could use my key I through my entire 220 lbs into the door to force it open this far.

Bob's situation places a new twist on things - as I never had to use that much force to enter the "Variety Pack" rooms!

What's even better in Bob's example, is the presence of a Genny which uses an Internal Combustion Engine for the Prime Mover!

I would like to share these images with a few people, if that is OK with you Bob?


Scott " 35 " Thompson
Just Say NO To Green Eggs And Ham!