The plus points to this method of wiring:

1. Easy routing of wiring. Just decide on a position for the receptacle, smash a hole thro' the wall and run the wire to the next location.
2. Air/rain cooled conductors.
3. If it catches fire, the FD can see where it's alight.
4. Takes the casual observers attention away from that ghastly Mayan-style masonry effect wall board crap, thus making $50000 worth of improvement.
5. No unsightly wiring nailed to the sheetrock inside and no fishing.
6. Put some new siding on, and presto! it's inside the wall, just like a regular timberframe house! a minute, can you red card it now?


ps. Oh No! He's an engineer!!!

[This message has been edited by Alan Belson (edited 07-26-2005).]

Wood work but can't!