Ah, praise...I love it..Thanks Trumpy!

I chose to use the 4-11, rather than a 4-square, for the extra room and -ironically- larger knockouts on the back. Coming into this box from the back is the power supply, in 1" PVC. Pipe a little larger makes the pull so much easier! There is also the matter of that other circuit feeding the light, and a convenience receptacle (not shown) on the outside of the shed.

I don't use this type of receptacle all that often...when I asked for it (by volt and amp rating) I imagined a much larger device- like you'ld see for a dryer.

Those "in the trade" know the drill all too well.....you make up your list, call it in, drive across town, wait, and wait, throw the box they give you on the truck, and race back to the job, maybe grabbing a sandwich for 'lunch on the go.' Then, you fish out the parts as you ned them- often not getting to the bottom of the box for a couple hours. By then, you're not about to spend another two hours getting a $2 part if you can avoid it- and you can't carry everything with you!
So you get creative- only to have some chair-borne commando say "you could have used the right part- see, here it is in the catalog!" Grrrr.