

quote:The 'Old "Hold These Two Wires On This Coil, While I Remove The Ohmmeter's Leads" trick/test...

You too, huh? [Linked Image]


The best, and for some reason, most convenient and abundant Coils used for these ... err... "Experiments" were the "Bell Ringer Coils" from Rotary Dial type Telephone Sets.

No idea why they were always "At The Right Places - At The Right Times"... maybe "Ma Bell's" Spirit enjoyed watching a humorous inductive kick once in a while.
[Linked Image]

On the subject of these Electro-Mechanical Bell Ringers, they sure were dialed into the 20 Hz Ringing Frequency, weren't they!?
Tried to make several ring from 60 Hz AC, at Voltages from 90 to 130 VAC - and no luck with them self starting!
If I "slapped" the hammer, then they would sustain ringing for a little time, but the bells would never achieve the dB output sound level of the designed ± 20 Hz from the C.O.

At the time of these "Experiments", I had no effective method to lower a Frequency.
A few years later, I hatched a few "Quick And Dirty" methods, using an Automotive Alternator driven by a PSC Motor - controlled by a Variac (one setup used a Commutator Motor and HUGE variable Resistor).

...Those Were The Days...
(sing this with a nasally "Edith Bunker" tweek).


Scott " 35 " Thompson
Just Say NO To Green Eggs And Ham!