1. Payday is Wednesday...
2. "Crap" flows downhill...
3. Do NOT put your fingers in your mouth...

The above mentioned are the 3 rules told to me by pipefitter on "how to be a plumber"....

( Sorry I am just poking fun at the plumbers, as they do to us sparkies, no offence meant by any means [Linked Image] )

I don't know what to say, thats a priceless picture, I really like the way the grounds are just hanging around and the fine job the person did with the " ball 'O neutrals" in that split bolt...
Hmm, I wonder if he had a good time trying to get all them wires around that elbow at the top of that enclosure, or whats left of it [Linked Image]


[This message has been edited by Rewired (edited 06-22-2006).]