590.3(B) restricts temporary cabling to a maximum of 90 days in this case.

400.8(1) is oft cited, as extension cords are most often used because there's no receptacle within 6' of where it should be. Also, the cords used are almost always too small- if you're using a cheap #18 extension cord on a 20A outlet, you're violating 400.5. As I work in a government office, they flat out forbade extension cords as illegal, and issued surge supressors with 12' cords instead! (Surge supressor is a device, which makes it not an extension cord, and therefore legal.) Letter the law vs intent of the law, I guess.

[This message has been edited by SteveFehr (edited 02-28-2007).]

[This message has been edited by SteveFehr (edited 02-28-2007).]