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Article 80

Report on Proposal


(Log #1768)

1- 3 - (80): Accept

NOTE: The Technical Correlating Committee directs that this

proposal be reviewed relative to the NFPA definition of the

"Authority Having Jurisdiction" and determine if it is appropriate

for this Article. In the Scope, change "shall be" to "are" to comply

with the NEC Style Manual. The Technical Correlating Committee

accepts the Scope as modified by this note. This action will be

considered by the Panel as a Public Comment.

SUBMITTER: Technical Correlating Committee National

Electrical Code


Article 80 - Administration and Enforcement

(This article is informative unless specifically adopted by the local

jurisdiction adopting the National Electrical Code. See Section 80-5.)

80-1 Scope. The following functions shall be covered:

(1) The inspection of electrical installations as covered by Section 90-2

(2) The investigation of fires caused by electrical installations

(3) The review of construction plans, drawings, and specifications

for electrical systems

(4) The design, alteration, modification, construction,

maintenance, and testing of electrical systems and equipment

(5) The regulation and control of electrical installations at special

events including but not limited to exhibits, trade shows,

amusement parks, and other similar special occupancies.

80-2 Definitions.

Authority Having Jurisdiction. The organization, office, or

individual responsible for approving equipment, an installation, or procedure.

FPN: See 80-13(a) for use of this term.

Electrical Inspector. An individual meeting the requirements of 80-

27 and authorized to perform electrical inspections.

Chief Electrical Inspector. An electrical inspector who is either the

authority having jurisdiction or is designated by the authority having

jurisdiction and is responsible for administering the requirements of

this Code.

80-3 Purpose. The purpose of this article shall be to provide

requirements for administration and enforcement of the National

Electrical Code.

80-5 Adoption. Article 80 shall not apply unless specifically adopted

by the local jurisdiction adopting the National Electrical Code.

80-7 Title. The title of this Code shall be NFPA 70, National

Electrical Code®, of the National Fire Protection Association. The

short title of this Code shall be the NEC®.

80-9 Application.

(a) New Installations. This Code applies to new installations.

Buildings with construction permits dated after the adoption of this

shall comply with the requirements of this Code.

(b) Existing Installations. Existing electrical installations that do not

comply with the provisions of this Code shall be permitted to be

continued in use unless the authority having jurisdiction determines

that the lack of conformity with this Code presents an imminent

danger to occupants. Where changes are required for correction of

hazards, a reasonable amount of time shall be given for compliance,

depending on the degree of the hazard.

(c) Additions, Alterations, or Repairs. Additions, alterations, or

repairs to any building, structure, or premises shall conform to that

required of a new building without requiring the existing building

to comply with all the requirements of this Code. Additions,

alterations, installations, or repairs shall not cause an existing

building to become unsafe or adversely affect the performance of

the building as determined by the authority having jurisdiction.

Electrical wiring added to an existing service, feeder, or branch

circuit shall not result in an installation that violates the provisions

of the Code in force at the time the additions are made.

80-11 Occupancy of Building or Structure.                  [Top]

(a) New Construction. No newly constructed building shall be

occupied in whole or in part in violation of the provisions of this Code.

(j) Persons shall not use a badge, uniform, or other credentials to

impersonate the authority having jurisdiction.

(k) The authority having jurisdiction shall be permitted to

investigate the cause, origin, and circumstances of any fire,

explosion, or other hazardous condition.

(l) The authority having jurisdiction shall be permitted to require

plans and specifications to ensure compliance with this Code.

(m) Whenever any installation subject to inspection prior to use is

covered or concealed without having first been inspected, the

authority having jurisdiction shall be permitted to require that

such work be exposed for inspection. The authority having

jurisdiction shall be notified when the installation is ready for

inspection and shall conduct the inspection within ___ days.

(n) The authority having jurisdiction shall be permitted to order

the immediate evacuation of any occupied building deemed

unsafe when such building has hazardous conditions that

present imminent danger to building occupants.

(o) The authority having jurisdiction shall be permitted to waive

specific requirements in this Code or permit alternate methods

where it is assured that equivalent objectives can be achieved by

establishing and maintaining effective safety. Technical

documentation shall be submitted to the authority having

jurisdiction to demonstrate equivalency and the system,

method, or device is approved for the intended purpose.

(p) Each application for a waiver of a specific electrical

requirement shall be filed with the authority having

jurisdiction and shall be accompanied by such evidence,

letters, statements, results of tests, or other supporting

information as required to justify the request. The authority

having jurisdiction shall keep a record of actions on such

applications, and a signed copy of the authority having

jurisdiction's decision shall be provided for the applicant.

80-15 Electrical Board.

(a) Creation of the Electrical Board. There is hereby created the

Electrical Board of the _________ of _________ hereinafter

designated as the Board.

(b) Appointments. Board members shall be appointed by the

Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate (or by the

Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council, or the equivalent).

(1) Members of the Board shall be chosen in a manner to

reflect a balanced representation of individuals or

organizations. The Chair of the Board shall be elected by

the Board membership.

(2) The Chief Electrical Inspector in the jurisdiction adopting

this Article authorized in 80-15(b)(3(a) shall be the

nonvoting secretary of the Board. Where the Chief

Electrical Inspector of a local municipality serves a Board

at a state level, he or she shall be permitted to serve as a

voting member of the Board.

(3) The board shall consist of not fewer than five voting

members. Board members shall be selected from the following:

(a) Chief Electrical Inspector from a local government

(for State Board only)

(b) An electrical contractor operating in the jurisdiction

(c) A licensed professional engineer engaged primarily

in the design or maintenance of electrical installations

(d) A journeyman electrician

(4) Additional membership shall be selected from the:

(a) A master (supervising) electrician

(b) The Fire Marshal (or Fire Chief).

(c) A representative of the property/casualty insurance industry.

(d) A representative of an electric power utility

operating in the jurisdiction.

(e) A representative of electrical manufacturers

primarily and actively engaged in producing

materials, fittings, devices, appliances, fixtures, or

apparatus used as part of or in connection with

electrical installations.

(f) A member of the labor organization that represents

the primary electrical workforce.

(g) A member from the public who is not affiliated with

any other designated group.

(c) Terms. Of the members first appointed, _____ shall be

appointed for a term of 1 year, _____ for a term of 2 years,

_____ for a term of 3 years, and _____ for a term of 4 years, and

thereafter each appointment shall be for a term of 4 years or

until a successor is appointed. The Chair of the Board shall

appointed for a term not to exceed ____ years.

(d) Compensation. Each appointed member shall receive the sum

of ______dollars ($_______) for each day during which the

member attends a meeting of the Board and, in addition

thereto, shall be reimbursed for direct lodging, travel and meal

expenses as covered by policies and procedures established by

the jurisdiction.

(e) Quorum. A quorum as established by the Board operating

procedures shall be required to conduct Board business. The

Board shall hold such meetings as necessary to carry out the

purposes of Article 80. The Chair or a majority of the

members of the Board shall have the authority to call meetings

of the Board.

(f) Duties. It shall be the duty of the Board to:

(1) Adopt the necessary rules and regulations to administer

and enforce Article 80.

(2) Establish qualifications of electrical inspectors.

(3) To revoke or suspend the recognition of any inspector’s

certificate for the jurisdiction.

(4) After advance notice of the public hearings and the

execution of such hearings, as established by law, the

Board is authorized to establish and update the provisions

for the safety of electrical installations to conform with

the current edition of the National Electrical Code (NFPA

70) and other nationally recognized safety standards for

electrical installations, and;

(5) Establish procedures for recognition of electrical safety

standards and acceptance of equipment conforming to

these standards.

(g) Appeals.

(1) Review of Decisions. Any person, firm or corporation may

register an appeal with the Board for a review of any

decision of the Chief Electrical Inspector or of any

Electrical Inspector, provided that such appeal is made in

writing within fifteen (15) days after such person, firm or

corporation shall have been notified. Upon receipt of

such appeal, said Board shall, if requested by the person

making the appeal, hold a public hearing and proceed to

determine whether the action of the Board, or the Chief

Electrical Inspector or of the Electrical Inspector

complies with this law and, within fifteen (15) days after

receipt of the appeal or after holding the hearing shall

make a decision in accordance with its findings.

(2) Conditions. Any person shall be permitted to appeal a

decision of the authority having jurisdiction to the Board

when it is claimed that any one or more of the following

conditions exist:

(a) The true intent of the codes or ordinances described

in this Code has been incorrectly interpreted

(b) The provisions of the codes or ordinances do not fully apply

(c) A decision is unreasonable or arbitrary as it applies

to alternatives or new materials

(3) Submission of Appeals. An appeal shall be submitted to

the authority having jurisdiction in writing within 15

calendar days of notification of violation outlining the

Code provision from which relief is sought and the

remedy proposed.

(h) Meetings and Records. Meetings and records of the Board

shall conform to the following:

(1) Meetings of the Board shall be open to the public as

required by law.

(2) Records of meetings of the Board shall be available for

review during normal business hours, as required by law.

80-17 Records and Reports. The authority having jurisdiction shall

retain records as follows:

(a) Retention. The authority having jurisdiction shall keep a

record of all electrical inspections, including the date of such

inspections and a summary of any violations found to exist, the

date of the services of notices, and a record of the final

disposition of all violations. All required records shall be

maintained until their usefulness has been served or as

otherwise required by law.

(b) Availability. A record of examinations, approvals, and

variances granted shall be maintained by the authority having

jurisdiction and shall be available for public review as

prescribed by law during normal business hours.

80-19 Permits and Approvals. Permits and approvals shall conform

to the following:

(a) Application.

(1) Activity authorized by a permit issued under this Code shall be

conducted by the permittee or the permittee's agents or

employees in compliance with all requirements of this Code

applicable thereto and in accordance with the approved plans

and specifications. No permit issued under this Code shall be

interpreted to justify a violation of any provision of this Code

or any other applicable law or regulation. Any addition or

alteration of approved plans or specifications shall be approved

in advance by the authority having jurisdiction, as evidenced by

the issuance of a new or amended permit.

(2) A copy of the permit shall be posted or otherwise readily

accessible at each work site or carried by the permit holder as

specified by the authority having jurisdiction.

(b) Content. Permits shall be issued by the authority having

jurisdiction and shall bear the name and signature of the

authority having jurisdiction or that of the authority having

jurisdiction's designated representative. In addition, the permit

shall indicate:

(1) Operation or activities for which the permit is issued.

(2) Address or location where the operation or activity is to

be conducted

(3) Name and address of the permittee

(4) Permit number and date of issuance

(5) Period of validity of the permit

(6) Inspection requirements

(c) Issuance of Permits. The authority having jurisdiction shall be

authorized to establish and issue permits, certificates, notices,

and approvals, or orders pertaining to electrical safety hazards

pursuant to 80-23, except that no permit will be required to

execute any of the classes of electrical work specified in the following:

(1) Installation or replacement of equipment such as

lamps, and electric utilization equipment approved for

connection to suitable permanently installed receptacles.

Replacement of flush or snap switches, fuses, lamp sockets

and receptacles, and other minor maintenance and repair

work, such as replacing worn cords and tightening

connections on a wiring device.

(2) The process of manufacturing, testing, servicing, or

repairing of electric equipment or apparatus.

(d) Annual Permits. In lieu of an individual permit for each

installation or alteration, an annual permit shall, upon

application, therefore, be issued to any person, firm or

corporation regularly employing one or more employees for

the installation, alteration, and maintenance of electric

equipment in or on buildings or premises owned or occupied

by the applicant for the permit. Upon application, an

electrical contractor as agent for the owner or tenant shall be

issued an annual permit. The applicant shall keep records of

all work done and such records shall be transmitted

periodically to the Electrical Inspector.                                [Top]

(e) Fees. Any political subdivision which has been provided for

electrical inspection in accordance with the provisions of

Article 80 may establish fees which shall be paid by the

applicant for a permit before the permit is issued.

(f) Inspection and Approvals.

(1) Upon the completion of any installation of electrical

equipment which has been made under a permit other

than an annual permit, it shall be the duty of the person,

firm or corporation making the installation to notify the

Electrical Inspector having jurisdiction, who shall inspect

the work within a reasonable time.

(2) Where the Inspector finds the installation to be in

conformity with the statutes of all applicable local

ordinances, and all rules and regulations, the Inspector

shall issue to the person, firm or corporation making the

installation a certificate of approval, with duplicate copy

for delivery to the owner, authorizing the connection to

the supply of electricity and shall send written notice of

such authorization to the supplier of electric service.

When a certificate of temporary approval is issued

authorizing the connection of an installation, such

certificates shall be issued to expire at a time to be stated

therein and shall be revocable by the Electrical Inspector

for cause.

(3) When any portion of the electrical installation within the

jurisdiction of an Electrical Inspector is to be hidden from

view by the permanent placement of parts of the building,

the person, firm or corporation installing the equipment

shall notify the Electrical Inspector, and such equipment

shall not be concealed until it has been approved by the

Electrical Inspector or until _____ days have elapsed from

the time of such notification; provided that on large

installations, where the concealment of equipment

proceeds continuously, the person, firm or corporation

installing the equipment shall give the Electrical

Inspector due notice in advance, and inspections shall be

made periodically during the progress of the work.

(4) At regular intervals, the Electrical Inspector having

jurisdiction shall visit all buildings and premises where

work may be done under annual permits and shall inspect

all electric equipment installed under such permits since

the date of the previous inspection. The Electrical

Inspector shall issue a certificate of approval for such

work as is found to be in conformity with the provisions of

Article 80 and all applicable ordinances, orders, rules and

regulations, after payments of all required fees.

(5) If, upon inspection, any installation is found not be fully

in conformity with the provisions of Article 80, and all

applicable ordinances, rules and regulations, the

Inspector making the inspection shall at once forward to

the person, firm or corporation making the installation a

written notice stating the defects which have been found

to exist.

Revocation of Permits. Revocation of permits shall conform to the


(1) The authority having jurisdiction shall be permitted to

revoke a permit or approval issued if any violation of this

Code is found upon inspection or in case there have been

any false statements or misrepresentations submitted in

the application or plans on which the permit or approval

was based.

(2) Any attempt to defraud or otherwise deliberately or

knowingly design, install, service, maintain, operate, sell,

represent for sale, falsify records, reports, or applications,

or other related activity in violation of the requirements

prescribed by this Code shall be a violation of this Code.

Such violations shall be cause for immediate suspension

or revocation of any related licenses, certificates, or

permits issued by this jurisdiction. In addition, any such

violation shall be subject to any other criminal or civil

penalties as available by the laws of this jurisdiction.

(3) Revocation shall be constituted when the permittee is

duly notified by the authority having jurisdiction.

(4) Any person who engages in any business, operation, or

occupation, or uses any premises, after the permit issued

therefore has been suspended or revoked pursuant to the

provisions of this Code, and before such suspended

permit has been reinstated or a new permit issued, shall

be in violation of this Code.

(5) A permit shall be predicated upon compliance with the

requirements of this Code and shall constitute written

authority issued by the authority having jurisdiction to

install electrical equipment. Any permit issued under this

Code shall not take the place of any other license or

permit required by other regulations or laws of this jurisdiction.

(6) The authority having jurisdiction shall be permitted to

require an inspection prior to the issuance of a permit.

A permit issued under this Code shall continue until revoked or for

the period of time designated on the permit. The permit shall be

issued to one person or business only and for the location or

purpose described in the permit. Any change that affects any of the

conditions of the permit shall require a new or amended permit.

(g) Applications and Extensions. Applications and extensions of

permits shall conform to the following:

(1) The authority having jurisdiction shall be permitted to

grant an extension of the permit time period upon

presentation by the permittee of a satisfactory reason for

failure to start or complete the work or activity authorized

by the permit.

(2) Applications for permits shall be made to the authority

having jurisdiction on forms provided by the jurisdiction

and shall include the applicant's answers in full to

inquiries set forth on such forms. Applications for permits

shall be accompanied by such data as required by the

authority having jurisdiction, such as plans and

specifications, location, etc. Fees shall be determined as

required by local laws.

(3) The authority having jurisdiction shall review all

applications submitted and issue permits as required. If

an application for a permit is rejected by the authority

having jurisdiction, the applicant shall be advised of the

reasons for such rejection. Permits for activities requiring

evidence of financial responsibility by the jurisdiction

shall not be issued unless proof of required financial

responsibility is furnished.                                                        [Top]

80-21 Plans Review. Review of plans and specifications shall

conform to the following:

(a) Authority. For new construction, modification, or rehabilitation,

the authority having jurisdiction shall be permitted to review

construction documents and drawings.

(b) Responsibility of the Applicant. It shall be the responsibility of

the applicant to ensure that:

(1) The construction documents include all of the electrical requirements

(2) The construction documents and drawings are correct

and in compliance with the applicable codes and


(c) Responsibility of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. It shall be

the responsibility of the authority having jurisdiction to

promulgate rules that cover the following:

(1) Review of construction documents and drawings within

established time frames for the purpose of acceptance or

providing reasons for non-acceptance

(2) Review and approval by the authority having jurisdiction

shall not relieve the applicant of the responsibility of

compliance with this Code.

(3) Where field conditions necessitate any substantial change

from the approved plan, the authority having jurisdiction

shall be permitted to require the corrected plans be

submitted for approval.

80-23 Notice of Violations, Penalties. Notice of violations and

penalties shall conform to the following:

(a) Violations.

(1) Whenever the authority having jurisdiction determines

that there are violations of this Code, a written notice

shall be issued to confirm such findings.

(2) Any order or notice issued pursuant to this Code shall be

served upon the owner, operator, occupant, or other

person responsible for the condition or violation, either

by personal service, mail, or by delivering the same to,

and leaving it with, some person of responsibility upon

the premises. For unattended or abandoned locations, a

copy of such order or notice shall be posted on the

premises in a conspicuous place at or near the entrance

to such premises and the order or notice shall be mailed

by registered or certified mail, with return receipt

requested, to the last known address of the owner,

occupant, or both.

(b) Penalties.

(1) Any person who fails to comply with the provisions of this

Code or who fails to carry out an order made pursuant of

this Code or violates any condition attached to a permit,

approval, or certificate shall be subject to the penalties

established by this jurisdiction.

(2) Failure to comply with the time limits of an abatement

notice or other corrective notice issued by the authority

having jurisdiction shall result in each day that such

violation continues being regarded as a new and separate offense.

(3) Any person, firm, or corporation who shall willfully violate

any of the applicable provisions of this article shall be

guilty of a misdemeanor and, and upon conviction

thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than

_____dollars ($________) nor more than _______dollars

($_____) for each offense, together with the costs of

prosecution and/or imprisonment for not less

than___________(_________) days nor more


80-25 Connection to Electricity Supply. Connections to the electric

supply shall conform to the following:

(a) Authorization. Except where work is done under an annual

permit and except as otherwise provided in 80-25, it shall be

unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to make

connection to a supply of electricity or to supply electricity to

any electric equipment installation for which a permit is

required or which has been disconnected or ordered to be


(b) Special Consideration. By special permission of the authority

having jurisdiction, temporary power shall be permitted to be

supplied to the premises for specific needs of the construction

project. The Board shall determine what needs are permitted

under this provision.

(c) Notification. If, within _____ business days after the Electrical

Inspector is notified of the completion of an installation of

electric equipment, other than a temporary approval

installation, the Electrical Inspector has neither authorized

connection nor disapproved the installation, the supplier of

electricity is authorized to make connections and supply

electricity to such installation.

(d) Other Territories. If an installation or electric equipment is

located in any territory where an Electrical Inspector has not

been authorized or is not required to make inspections, the

supplier of electricity is authorized to make connections and

supply electricity to such installations.

(e) Disconnection. Where a connection is made to an installation

that has not been inspected, as outlined in the preceding

paragraphs of this Section, the supplier of electricity shall

immediately report such connection to the Chief Electrical

Inspector. If, upon subsequent inspection, it is found that the

installation is not in conformity with the provisions of Article

80, the Chief Electrical Inspector shall notify the person, firm,

or corporation making the installation to rectify the defects

and, if such work is not completed within fifteen (15) business

days or a longer period which may be specified by the Board,

the Board shall have the authority to cause the disconnection

of that portion of the installation that is not in conformity.

80-27 Inspector’s Qualifications.

(a) Certificate. All electrical inspectors shall be certified by a

nationally recognized inspector certification program accepted

by the Board. The certification program shall specifically

qualify the inspector in electrical inspections. No person shall

be employed as an Electrical Inspector unless that person is the

holder of an Electrical Inspector’s certificate of qualification

issued by the Board, except that any person who on the date

on which this law went into effect was serving as a legally

appointed Electrical Inspector of _________ shall, upon

application and payment of the prescribed fee and without

examination, be issued a special certificate permitting him or

her to continue to serve as an Electrical Inspector in the same


(b) Experience. Electrical inspector applicants shall:

(1) have a demonstrated knowledge of the standard

materials and methods used in the installation of electric

equipment, and

(2) be well versed in the approved methods of

construction for safety to persons and property, and

(3) be well versed in the statues of ________ relating to

electrical work and the National Electrical Code, as

approved by the American National Standards Institute,


(4) have had at least ____ years experience as an

Electrical Inspector or ____ years in the installation of

electrical equipment. In lieu of such experience, the

applicant shall be a graduate in electrical engineering, or

of a similar curriculum of a college or university

considered by the Board as having suitable requirements

for graduation and shall have had two ____ years practical

electrical experience.

(c) Re-certification. Electrical inspectors shall be re-certified as

established by provisions of the applicable certification


(d) Revocation and Suspension of Authority. The Board shall have

the authority to revoke an inspector’s authority to conduct

inspections within a jurisdiction.

80-29 Liability for Damages. Article 80 shall be construed to affect

the responsibility or liability of any party owning, operating,

controlling, or installing any electric equipment for damages to

persons or property caused by an defect therein, not shall the _____

nor any of its employees be held as assuming any such liability by

reason of the inspection, re-inspection, or other examination


80-31 Validity. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or

phrase of Article 80 is for any reason held to be unconstitutional,

such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions

of Article 80.

80-33 Repeal of Conflicting Acts. All Acts or parts of Acts in

conflict with the provisions of Article 80 are hereby repealed.

80-35 Effective Date. Article 80 shall take

effect_________(_________) days after its passage and publication.

SUBSTANTIATION: This proposed material was developed to

provide a standardized set of administrative rules for use with the

National Electrical Code® (NEC®). Standardized administrative

rules will allow for more consistent adoption, use, and enforcement

of the NEC®. Additionally, the proposed requirements develop

requirements for establishment of electrical board and qualification

requirements for inspection officials. This new article replaces

NFPA 70L, Administrative Rules, and consolidates the requirements

of NFPA 70L with the NEC®. NFPA 70L was a separate document

and has been out of print since 1987. It should be noted that Article

80 would only be part of the NEC® if specifically adopted by the

adopting jurisdiction.

The NEC® Task Group on Administrative Rules developed this









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