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Text of 1881 "Code"
(predates NFPA)

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New York Board Fire Underwriters

{Boreel Building}


Room Nos. 32 to 38

115 Broadway, New York

Oct. 19th, 1881


The New York Board of Fire Underwriters, at a meeting held this day, adopted the following standard for Electric Light Wires, Lamps, etc., subject to future additions.

          1. Wires to have 50 percent conductivity above the amount calculated as necessary for the number of lights to be supplied by the wire.

          2. Wires to be thoroughly insulated and doubly coated with some approved material.

          3. All wires to be securely fastened by some approved non-conducting fastening and to be placed at least 2 1/2 inches for Incandescent lights, and 8 inches for Arc lights from each other, and 8 inches from all other wires, and from all metal or other conducting substance, and to be placed in a manner to be thoroughly and easily inspected by surveyors. When it becomes necessary to carry wires through partitions and floors, they must be secured against contact with metal, or other conducting substance, in a manner approved by the Inspector of the Board.

          4. All Arc lights must be protected by glass globes, enclosed at the bottom, to effectually prevent sparks or particles of the carbons from falling from the lamps, and in show windows, mills and other places, where there are materials of an inflammable nature. Chimneys with spark arresters shall be placed at the top of the globe. Open lights positively prohibited. The conducting frame work of chandeliers must be insulated and covered the same as wires.

          5. Where electricity is conducted into a building, from sources other than the building in which it is used, a shut off must be placed at the point of entrance to each building, and the supply turned off when the lights are not in use. Application for permission to use electric lights must be accompanied with a statement of the number and kind of lamps to be used, the estimate of some known electrician of the quantity of electricity required, and a sample of the wire at least three feet in length to be used, with a certificate of said electrician of the carrying capacity of the wire. The applications should also state where the electricity is to be generated, whether the connection will have metallic or ground circuit, and as far as possible give, the full details of manner in which it is proposed to equip the building.

Applications should be sent to Wm. M. Randell, Secretary of the Committee on Police and Origin of Fires.

Wm, W. HENSHAW, Secretary

  Document provided by Joe Tedesco, Nec Consultant

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